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May 4, 2024
Birds! from twiddletails

It seems to be a bird-y kind of year so far. This is a total coincidence but I love them!

"Chirp!" by Sue Spargo is a project I started with two friends. We're making one block a month.

My quilt guild holds a "block lotto" every so often.  Everyone brings one or more blocks of a given design. Afterward, there is a drawing where someone wins all the blocks.  Unfortunately, I was at a retreat last time, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do with these cuties.

You can find the pattern over here and ...

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March 12, 2022
Week to catch up from Sew Sunshine

Between PQ season 13 challenges I try to catch up on a few things. This week I wanted to finish a small wall hanging for our guilds project of providing Habitat for Humanity wall hangings. 
This is a moda free pattern called Be my neighbor so I thought it was fitting. I have so so so much black and white fabric so tried to make a cute little homey wall hanging with it but it was pretty washed out..until I added some scrappy hst to the borders. 

Then I decided to make a few block lotto blocks for another ...

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February 24, 2022
Block lotto UFO from Espritpatch

 I played the lottery with the Block Lotto quite a few times over the years. In 2014, Sophie offered a full quilt pattern on top of the blocks for the lotto. Of course, I started it but ran out of steam half way through the year.... The final quilt should have looked like this

This abandonned project is my APQS UFO for February so I digged the blocks out and found 47 of them. Looking at the finished quilt, I would still miss 5 Sunrise blocks, 14 Little Windows blocks, 6 Sweet Dreams blocks, 4 Woven Bar blocks, 8 Easy ...

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April 26, 2020
Gray Day from Cat Patches

It was a good day for baking, and I spent the morning in the kitchen. During a break in rain showers, I filled the bird feeders and took a few pictures in the garden. One of the rhododendrons is almost to its most beautiful self. It is covered in flowers, but only a few have opened.

The red azalea near the front door is blooming too. We thought we'd killed it off a few years ago, but it's back, Baby!

I took more pictures of every blooming thing, but it was quite dark with thick cloud cover. My ...

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Gray Day from ... Cat Patches

It was a good day for baking, and I spent the morning in the kitchen. During a break in rain showers, I filled the bird feeders and took a few pictures in the garden. One of the rhododendrons is almost to its most beautiful self. It is covered in flowers, but only a few have opened.

The red azalea near the front door is blooming too. We thought we'd killed it off a few years ago, but it's back, Baby!

I took more pictures of every blooming thing, but it was quite dark with thick cloud cover. My ...

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December 5, 2019
Good Quilting Karma from ... Cat Patches

It was a full day of quilting, and I had a lot of help from my kitty friends. There was a break after every go-round of the quilt, and so I would estimate that quilting and breaks were about equal in time. Kitties are excellent timers in this regard. When they demand treats, it's a good time for a break.

Breaking for treats has the added benefit of gratifying them enough to get them off my work space for a while. Kitties and free motion quilting are not a good mix.

Smitty was purrterbed when I made him get ...

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Good Quilting Karma from Cat Patches

It was a full day of quilting, and I had a lot of help from my kitty friends. There was a break after every go-round of the quilt, and so I would estimate that quilting and breaks were about equal in time. Kitties are excellent timers in this regard. When they demand treats, it's a good time for a break.

Breaking for treats has the added benefit of gratifying them enough to get them off my work space for a while. Kitties and free motion quilting are not a good mix.

Smitty was purrterbed when I made him get ...

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October 18, 2019
October 2019 - Lockup from Calgary Modern Quilt Guild

Thanks to Karin King for choosing this month's Block Lotto

As part of our memberships with the Modern Quilt Guild, we have access to a huge library of resources including webinars, quilts of the month, tutorials, and even a public television show called Fresh Quilting!
This month's Block Lotto is one of many blocks studies that the guild also publishes for its members, and was published by the MQG in January 2018.

The Lockup block is by Riane Menardi Morrison of the Central Iowa MQG. It's twice as long as it is wide, making it a ...

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May 26, 2017
I Think I'm Retired from D is for Dovey

I think I am retired from any block exchanges.  I won some cactus blocks, 34 to be exact, but could only use 14 of them due to poor construction techniques. I mean we're talking non-existent seam allowances,  blocks 1/2 inch too small, etc.  Sigh.  So I made some more to put with the 8 I had already made for the pot.  It's a really easy and fun block to make.  This is the first time I've set blocks on-point and had sashing with cornerstones.  Oh, the problems I had.  My brain just could not figure things ...

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